Welcome to Rio


The 38th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems was organized by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro / COPPE, and the School of Engineering.

The conference took place between 13 and 16, August, 1995, at Hotel Gloria, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

The distribution of the Proceedings was completed by june, 1996. If you didn't receive your copy, or want one, please contact us.

Call for Participation

Just for information, since the conference is now history.

Technical program at a glance

List of the short courses and technical sessions.

Technical program

With updates over the printed final program.

Pre-symposium short courses

The courses took place on Sunday, 13 August, 1995.

Special sessions

List of titles and organizers of the special sessions.

List of accepted regular papers and special session papers

The special session papers that were sent directly to the organizers have numbers above 1000.

List of authors

List of all the paper authors and co-authors, with the session numbers and paper numbers.

Who attended the 38th MWSCAS

List of all registered delegates.

Programmed Tours

Some touring programs provided by the conference official agent.


Some data about the papers received and accepted.

Original Call for Papers

Just for information.

Last update: 26/8/96.

Developed and Maintained by Antonio Carlos M. de Queiroz