ASIZ and SI circuits FAQ. Last update: 22/11/95 Q: What do I put in the input file? A: The best is to edit the circuit with the EdFil editor. Include all the transistors and switches, omitting all the bias sources (that is, set them to zero). Use an unitary current source as input, and take the output over a unitary load resistor. Use normalized values for the transistor transconductances, as only the ratios among them are important. The EdFil editor will generate two files, one with suffix ".cir" containing the drawing, and one with suffix ".net" that is the netlist, the input for the ASIZ program. Q: Can the program analyze switched-capacitor filters? A: Yes. Draw the circuit in the EdFil editor, using ideal operational amplifiers, capacitors, and switches. Use an ideal voltage source as input. Normalize the values of all the capacitors, as only their ratios are important. It is also possible to use finite-gain amplifiers in the circuit. The "A" element is an op. amp. with finite gain. Frequency-independent gain, not GB. Q: How to analyze clock feedthrough effects with ASIZ? A: Do the following: - Remove the input current source(s). - Add capacitances to the switches. Each phase "n" switch receives one capacitance at each side, both connected to a "phase n" voltage source. The values of these capacitances must have values proportional to the actual switch capacitances, considering the values set in the "mos transistor parameters" window. If the default values are used, all the transistors have a 1F normalized Cgs capacitance. It is better to set the use of Cgs capaci- tances proportional to the transconductance values, and set the switch capacitances accordingly. Use normalized values. - The phase voltage sources should have the correct control signal waveforms for an accurate analysis. In the present version, a sinusoidal signal can be used as approximation, with a normal voltage source being used for phase 1, and an inverted source for phase 2. The frequency of these sources (set in the "transient analysis parameters" window) must be set to the switching frequency, and the phase shall be set to a few degrees to account for the delay between the application of the control signal and the actual closing of the switches. Note that as ASIZ does not allow the setting of different phases for input sources, this analysis is possible only for two-phases circuits. - Add enough segments per phase for good precision, and plot the transient response. Set the sampling mode to "none" ("analysis parameters" window) for correct results. This analysis considers only linear effects, and is qualita- tive, serving only as a mean to compare structures, and detect problems as clock feedthrough integration. More precise results will be obtained in a future version that will include pulsed inputs in the transient analysis. Q: What results are expected about clock feedthrough integra- tion in SI integrators? A: Both 1st generation and 2nd generation SI integrators will integrate clock feedthrough if there is any assymmetry in the capacitances at the memory transistors' gates. Note that this always occur in usual SI filters, unless capacitance is added to the unused sides of these integrators to compensate for the loading of the Cgs capacitances of the transistors used to make copies of the output signal. "Component simulation" structures are naturally balanced, and so do not integrate clock feedthrough, in the form with modulated signals. In the form with normal signals, they inte- grate. Q: In a multiphase circuit with four phases, the output is being sampled only in one of the phases. Why is the frequency response showing replicas corresponding to a sampling rate higher than the sampling frequency specified? A: If in some point of the circuit the signal is being processed more than once per sampling period, the decimation of the output signal is not enough to change the effective sampling rate, that in this case can be of two or four times the specified sampling frequency. In general, the effective sampling rate of a multiphase circuit can reach f times the switching frequency, where f is the number of phases. Q: I have two circuits with identical transient responses for a sinusoidal input of frequency f0. Why are the frequency responses at f=f0 for the two circuits different? For example, try a voltage source connected by a switch to a capacitor (first circuit) and to a resistor (the other circuit). The switching is in four phases, and the switch is closed at phases 1 and 4. For f0 equal to the switching frequency, the output for a cosinusoidal signal is identical in the two cases. But the fre- quency responses of the two circuits at this frequency are different. A: Look at the spectrum. There is an aliasing term at the switching frequency, that when added to the displayed response results in the correct value for both cases. This is a consequence of how the effect of continuous couplings are taken into account. When there are components generated by aliasing that fall at the input frequency, these effects can appear. Q: How can I print the ASIZ plots? A: For the PC version, run it under Windows and use the Print Screen key to capture the screen image to the clipboard. Before this, use the "i" and "c" keys to create images with white background and black lines, that print better. Edit the image in a paint program, to clip what you want of the image, add text labels, and adjust colors. If you want the window borders to appear, use the paint program to change the colors of the borders to a light color, as yellow. If you will use the Paintbrush program, remember to set the image size to 640x480 pixels and to put it in zoom out mode before pasting the clipboard image to it. For the Sun version, capture the image with the XV program, for example, and edit the colors (to white background and black lines) with it. Q: Why I get an error message saying "system determinant too small"? A: The possible causes are: - Part of the circuit is floating at some phase. Add extra switches to fix the voltage of some node in the problematic areas. - There are current sources feeding capacitive nodes. This is a forbidden circuit. Add resistances or switches so that the currents have where to go. - The circuit is not normalized. A large circuit with very low transconductances or capacitances can cause this error. Q: The program terminates with an error message when trying to compute poles and zeros. A: Try again, reducing the magnitude tolerance in the poles and zeros parameters window. This can happen with circuits having multiple poles or multiple zeros (as bilinear filters). Something to fix... Antonio Carlos M. de Queiroz